The intention of this article is to help you troubleshoot any issues that you are encountering when using DirectCam.
Before we begin, please visit the article DirectCam Requirements for Seeking Services members where you will find all the information regarding the minimum requirements for DirectCam.
First, we ask you to please perform the general troubleshooting steps:
- Log out of your account.
- Clear your browser’s cache and cookies. Click here to see a detailed step-by-step guide on how to do it.
- Try using a private window (incognito mode) or an alternative browser.
- Restart your device.
If you experience issues with your connection, please perform an Internet Connection speed test using this link and compare your result with the minimum requirement stated below:
- Minimum of 5 Mbps upload speed
- Minimum of 10 Mbps download speed
- Maximum of 150 ms ping
If your results do not meet the criteria, then we can consider the issue with your connection and kindly advise you to contact your Internet service provider to resolve it.
NOTE: We recommend that you view the broadcasts when the device is connected to the Internet via WiFi or Wired when possible. We do not recommend viewing the streams via Mobile Data, on 3G/4G/5G networks because these are not stable and can cause disconnections.
If you have issues with your camera and microphone, please make sure that they are:
- Connected, enabled, and turned on (Check your camera and microphone are working in other apps)
- Allow permissions in the browser when prompted (How to allow permissions in the browser when prompted)
- Working with up-to-date drivers
How to Uninstall and Reinstall Camera Driver
How to Uninstall and Reinstall Microphone Driver
Other Possible Solutions
- Your processor might be overloaded by running too many unnecessary programs or browser tabs. Close all programs and browser tabs that are not necessary for your work.
- Make sure not to use any VPN, proxy, or AdBlock software.
- Try a different browser (preferably Chrome, Firefox, or Opera)
- Try a different device, if that is fine, then the issue needs to be locally diagnosed on the other device which is causing issues.
In case you have a problem you cannot fix yourself or find in the solutions above, feel free to contact us with the following information:
- Details about the issue
- Screenshots/photos or screen recordings/videos of any errors
- Device brand, model, and OS version running
- Browser name and version
- Exact dates/times when you noticed the problem
- A screenshot of your internet speed using the link below: