An Group/Studio is a collection of profiles assigned and administered by a group/studio manager.
For those wanting to create a new online business, the opportunity exists to become a group manager and generate income from recruiting your own team of adult service providers, providing marketing support, profile management and other added value services such as daily payments to your members.
Become the point of contact for novice members or those without internet access looking for advice in this fast moving and lucrative business.
- Develop your own specific URL to market your Group
- Create, maintain and update multiple profiles, (including galleries and movies), using only one Login.
- Administer all of your members profiles and correspondence and monitor income daily by viewing detailed financial reports.
- View and reply to new emails and booking requests for all your group members via one page.
- Oversee and manage the transfer of all credits for all group members.
- As Group Manager you will have full access to every aspect of each members profile and will be able to Login as each of them and respond to correspondence on their behalf.
- Easily view and respond to historical emails and bookings, (including webcam and phone chat), for specific members of your group.
- See at a glance, who and by what means, within your group is generating the most revenue and how much.
- View a weekly diary of bookings (including webcam and phone chat), for all of your group members, that are scheduled to take place or have been confirmed as having taken place.
- View the credits activity of each member.
- Permit or prevent members of your group from logging in using their own credentials.
- Have multiple profiles with the same email address. (Webcammers have to have their own unique email address and have to be allowed to Login so they can deal with webcam bookings.)
- Work with new profiles without having to verify email addresses or mobile numbers. Allows you to start building profiles before sorting out email addresses if required.
- Add existing Members to your group or create new members from scratch.
No other adult business website offers you the same phenomenal tools, reporting and functionality.
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