To create a Blog go here.
To Edit or Delete your Blog, go here and use the Edit or Delete links on the left.
Why has my blog entry been removed or why is it not showing?
Blog entries that contradict the guidelines or our User Agreement will be removed completely or restricted to be displayed on your profile page only.
Details of what you can and can't post can be found here.
I followed the guidelines but my blog is still not appearing on the Home Page
Blogging is not about getting exposure on the home page. If you desire this, you should subscribe to one of the Member of the Day or Featured schemes.
The Latest Tab only shows the most recent 10 posts (in full).
The blog ticker on the home page only shows blogs that our Team have checked contain nothing libellous or that breaches our User Agreement. Depending on when posts are checked and the frequency at which they are being made, will determine whether your blog appears on the home page. Only the most recent 20 paid for blogs are displayed. (Non-paid for blogs will make up any shortfall.)
Please do not re-submit your blogs.
I paid to display my blog on the Home Page. I have been charged but it did not appear.
The system in place for charging a fee for displaying blogs on the Home Page has been tested fully.
If you requested to display your blog on the Home Page and you have been charged, it will have been displayed correctly.
> Your blog post will only be included if you have sufficient credits to perform the debit at the time it is approved.
> Your blog post may be approved for display on the Site (or perhaps only your Profile Page), but rejected for inclusion on the Home Page.
> If your blog is rejected (or partially rejected) you will not be charged.
> If you edit your blog post after approval and the edits do not meet with the posting guidelines you will not be refunded. (Although you can remove the offending edits and re-submit.)
> Regardless of choosing this option, the placement or positioning of your blog post in other areas of the Site will remain unchanged.
> This option is not available to all members, based on the gender configured in their profile. If you see the option you may use it.
When you visit certain pages such as writing a Field Report, Blog or Erotica your timeout is extended to 60 minutes, then when you submit it, your timeout is returned to 20 minutes.
This feature is to protect the privacy of those that leave their computer unattended without logging out.
If you wish to remain logged in to the Site, perhaps while conducting Webcam or Phone Chat sessions, you should leave your browser open at your Emails & Bookings Page.
This page automatically refreshes your email and booking counters every two minutes. This has the side effect of keeping you logged in.
RSS icon/feeds
If you want to know what RSS is or how to use it, then click here.
Feeds are available from blogs, this is quite basic and probably inclined to what RSS is really for.
We provide RSS feeds for any search criteria you choose to set up. Visit the search page, run a search and then drag the resulting RSS icon into your news reader or aggregator program. If you are using an online service such as My Yahoo, then copy the link URL and add it to your pages manually.
Every time your feed is accessed or refreshed, a fresh list of profiles matching your original search criteria will be returned.
The power available to you here is immense. You can set up any number of feeds, all with different criteria and include them anywhere you like! The most popular use is to list new Members that you may wish to interact with.
At this time we are happy for anyone to syndicate our feeds on any other website, however, if we deem any such use as inappropriate we reserve the right to delete the underlying feeds.