See our how-to video here.
You can leave feedback for any member that you have booked with.
You can leave feedback and a rating for any member that you have had a confirmed booking with or have bought from via the For Sale Section of the site. In the case of escort bookings, only the service provider can confirm that the booking took place.
Unfortunately due to persons abusing the feedback facility, it is now not possible to leave feedback for any items under 4 credits.
Click here to view the people you can leave feedback/ratings for.
If you are using the Web App:
In the Emails and Bookings section, hit the "More" button at the top right. You should then be presented with a menu, hit "Leave Feedback".
Remember: Feedback and ratings cannot be changed once left. Do not leave feedback unless you are sure you will not want to change it in the future.
Due to abuse of the feedback/rating system, it is only possible to leave feedback for bookings that have taken place within the last month.