This is not an exhaustive list, to see the full list of what is and is not permitted, please read our User Agreement. Your picture(s) have likely been deleted for one of the following reasons:
- It included URLs, email addresses, and telephone numbers which are only permitted in the fields provided.
- Re-submission of photos to gain extra exposure.
- Your pictures cannot be viewed, so cannot be approved.
- Pictures must be either feature yourself or belong to yourself (we reserve the right to request Photo Identification, Model Release forms, or proof of ownership).
- Movies or photos featuring children, animals, or weapons.
- Misleading titles/descriptions of any pictures will most likely result in the deletion of those pictures. "Me" or "Picture 1" is not sufficient. Members can only view the Title/Description before purchasing galleries so they need to accurately describe the content.
- Inappropriate content.
With regards to inappropriate content, we would ask you to read our User Agreement carefully.
You should also be aware of, and up-to-date with, the Obscene Publications Act (OPA), its guidelines for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 (CJIA) and its explanatory notes.
It is your responsibility as a producer or consumer of content to conform to the laws of your country. If in doubt, you should consult independent legal advice.