makes use of pop-up windows to save you from having to reload heavy pages and to allow you to use Windows as it was designed, being able to refer to multiple documents in multiple windows as seems logical and relevant.
The majority of websites now see pop-up windows as a great way of forcing advertisements upon you. As you will have noticed, we have no third-party advertising on the site at all.
If you click on a link or button and nothing happens, the chances are that you have a pop-up blocker installed and it has prevented the window from opening. This is almost always the case when trying to send an email or make a booking request as both these forms open in pop-up windows.
If you have installed a browser toolbar, (from Google, Yahoo, MSN etc.) or if you have installed some firewall/Internet Security product, it will most likely be blocking pop-ups on this site.
Using the configuration options for that program you need to allow popups for if you are to use the site effectively.
Some programs such as the Google Toolbar allow you to hold down the Ctrl key when clicking to allow the link to open in a new window. Normally these programs make a noise or change the cursor when a pop-up has been blocked.
** If you have previously had no issues with this on this Site it may be that your Anti-virus software is conflicting with pop-up windows. If problems persist after a reboot, please get in touch with us.**
If you are experiencing difficulties in any pre-booked webcam session, there are members waiting to perform now. To view these members, please go to