Whilst it is unlikely for you to encounter this issue due to continued efforts to improve site performance, you may still encounter a timeout or error when using the Search facility from time to time.
The powerful facility enables you to specify many different parameters for your search and cross-references them against thousands of advertisers. For some types of criteria, such as rates, availability, and proximity, finding matching service providers has the potential to take a long time. To ensure system stability we have set a time limit within which searches must be complete, otherwise, they will timeout.
If you find that your search is timing-out the key to a successful search is to be as specific as possible with your criteria but to avoid computed variables like proximity, rates, and age (things that change based on something variable like your postcode or the current date).
We appreciate at first glance these can appear to be the most relevant however most service providers charge about the same hourly rate, plus or minus £20/hour. Removing these criteria from your search will most likely yield a result.
Or: Instead of specifying a certain distance from 'x' location (which requires a calculation), you can select a Region or County from the Profiles Tab and use the Town box to type a specific town or location.
We'd recommend always specifying a role (e.g. Escort) and gender to return only the most relevant results.
If you receive timeouts or errors when searching, we would ask that you fill out the form here so that we can replicate and look into optimizing your specific query.