So that members may bookmark Profiles on their favourite social networking site or send links to profiles via email etc., we have added a "Share" link, provided by
This link does not give any new functionality to anyone or enable anything that was not previously possible. All it does is make it easier for users of these sites to perform common tasks, namely, add links to other sites to their online favourites lists.
If a member bookmarks your profile page, a link to it, not the profile itself or any of the content from it, aside from your nickname and the roles you offer, will be stored on whatever Site they use. Should you subsequently remove your profile from the link will no longer function, in the same way, that the direct profile links at the bottom of your profile page would stop working. In other words, regardless of who bookmarks you or where they do it too, you have control over whether your profile is online or not.
If you would like to hide the Share link simply un-tick the "External Advertising" tickbox on your Edit Profile Page. If, however, you want as many people as possible to find your Profile from as many places as is possible, then leave it ticked.