Due to an increasing number of inappropriate, illegal and offensive profiles appearing on the site we have been forced to review any profile before it is included in search results or on any of the main site home pages.
As per usual the few are spoiling things for the many but we are compelled to protect minors and those who should not otherwise be appearing on AdultWork.com
We would like to thank legitimate advertisers for their support and cooperation in this matter.
Profiles that are created in line with the "Honest and Open" philosophy of AdultWork.com will appear within a couple of hours or so between the hours of 09:00 and 17:00 GMT. You can still see your profile via the links in the Site navigation menu and from your My Details page. The URLs at the bottom of your profile will give direct access to your profile if you want to invite others to view your profile page.
To ensure your profile is checked off quickly, make sure you have profile pictures and that your profile is properly set up with your gender, orientation, and the services you wish to offer.
If your profile is active but not appearing check that you have not inadvertently added yourself to your Blacklist or Blocked Countries list.
If your profile is not appearing having checked the above, please get in touch via the form that will appear when you click 'Close Window.