This page allows you to place bids to improve the position in which your profile appears in the DirectChat areas of the Site.
Next to each time slot below, (only choose when you are going to be available), enter the amount that you wish to spend to improve your positioning. Depending on where your bid falls compared to the bids from other members will determine how "high up", or the order in which, your profile appears. Note your profile only appears in these areas when you are showing as being "Available Now"
The member who has the highest overall bid for the time slot will appear as the DirectChat Member of the Moment on the main Site Home Page when they are available, (showing as available now).
Once you've entered an amount your likely position is indicated in Green, Orange, and Red. Green indicates that your bid will position you at or near the top, orange means somewhere in the middle, and red towards the end. Members that don't place any bids will always be positioned beneath or after members that have. Your position may change at any point until the bidding period ends, depending on the bids of others and whether they have credits to support their bids at the time they are actually evaluated. Bids and the resulting order in which profiles will appear are evaluated the minute before the slot start time. At this time your credits account will be debited the amount you've bid.
You can change your bid for any slot right up until the minute before the slot time actually starts.