Several pages include share buttons. Via these buttons, it is possible to share your content on Twitter, Facebook and other popular social networking sites.
The following pages are currently enabled:
- Profiles
- Sale Items
- Movies
- Field Reports
Keep people coming to your pages by sharing these things as and when you add new ones (or make important updates to them).
The following content upload pages have a tick box that, if ticked, will update your Twitter status as and when you add new content:
You can also set up automatic tweets for when the following events happen:
- Someone purchases one of your movie clips, verified members only, (tick boxes at the bottom of this page.)
- Someone subscribes to your private gallery, (set it here).
- Someone buys a PIN to one of your private gallery albums, (set it here).
- When you make yourself available for DirectChat, here.
- When you log in to JustCamIt, for DirectCam and optionally when sessions of 5 minutes or 20 minutes are complete. Set these via the DirectCam Settings button on your Edit Profile Page.
All tweets include a link to the content or your profile page and now include the option to include an image as well. Movie clip thumbnails, most recent private gallery upload, or one of your profile pictures.
Any new visitors you bring to the Site will be registered with you as part of the Member Referral Scheme.
In case your Twitter account is not displaying your activities, then please check that the Twitter Integration has been properly set here. On the Twitter integration setup page, you will be able to check the account that is connected to your profile.
If the connected account is marked as undefined, then sign out using the button from the Twitter Integration page and then re-authenticate your Twitter Account with