We receive complaints from members stating that some profiles are saying they are available today, tomorrow, on Saturday, etc. but when contacted the profile owner reports they are not available on that date.
Obviously days such as today and tomorrow change nightly. It seems some members do not revisit the site to update their summary accordingly, while others seek to deceive members into clicking on their profile in the hopes that they will buy content while there.
Evidently, this is causing confusion and frustration for members seeking escorts who are available to meet on a particular day. So, to combat this confusion and those who seek to avoid the facility that other members pay for, we require that members refrain from entering details about their availability in their profile summaries.
You can specify availability in two places:
- Via the Availability Page, here. On this page, you can specify your normal working hours and override that with any days off or holiday you have scheduled. Clients can view this diary of working hours from your profile page and on the booking form. This information is also used in the Search via the Rates and Availability tab.
- The Available Today Scheme. This paid for scheme offers the following benefits:
- Your profile will appear on the Escorts Home page in the Available Today section.
- Your escort icon will show in green on all pages where member service offering icons are displayed.
- Members can search for you by ticking the available today tick-box on the Search Page
- If you pay for Available Today days in advance, members can search for those paying for this feature, in advance.
- Your profile will appear on the Escorts Home page in the Available Today section.