In an effort to combat those who seek to deceive the Site and it's membership we have added Nationality to profiles. This is due to a disproportionate amount of members from outside the UK that are residing in a different country and purporting to offer services when they are not.
If your nationality is appearing on your profile page and is incorrect, please get in touch and supply documentation to support the status of your actual nationality and we will update your profile accordingly.
We accept that some members may be residing in a different country than that of their nationality but that does not make them nationals of that country. This includes being settled elsewhere or registered with government bodies.
Whilst we are loathed to act on the actions of a few that may affect many, due to the amount of deception being undertaken and for the protection of the majority, we believe the display of this information is justified.
Any member who feels they have a workable solution to help combat false or fake profiles or profiles with misleading or inaccurate geographical information can lodge their ideas via the Suggestion Box.