Firstly, please ensure you have the relevant settings enabled here, make sure the 'External Advertising' box is ticked, for more information about this please see our Insider Article.
Secondly, please ensure that the relevant boxes are ticked for the Tweets you wish to send. It may sound obvious but it can be un-ticked in error or when de-authorizing the site (see below).
If the above has been checked and your setting are correct, search Twitter for #adultwork, if you see other tweets then the problem is most likely that Twitter has refused the Tweet.
- The most common reason for them doing so is if your last tweet is the same as your new tweet. They do not re-post duplicate tweets and we do not send the same tweet within 10 minutes of each other.
Tweet something manually, then try the action again and see if the tweet appears.
- Try de-authorizing and reauthorizing again. Go to this page and click Sign Out. Then navigate back to the page with the post to Twitter check box and re-check that box. You will be asked to authorize the Site again. Do that and then submit the page/upload the content and it should work.
If problems persist, get in touch via the form that appears when you click the 'Close Window' button below.