Please note that under the GDPR a Member's personal details remain their property, regardless of who created the profile. If the Group Member requests removal, the Group Manager is obliged to do so.
The Group Member should, in the first instance, make an official request to leave the Group :
Go here / Groups / Leave Group
The Group Member is then asked to enter their reason for leaving the Group. Once the request is sent, that request and reason is sent to the Group Manager by email (to their registered email address).
We ask that Group Managers deal with these requests within 24 hours of receipt.
Group Managers can remove Members here and select the 'Remove from Group' option from the drop-down box next to their details.
Before doing so, and subject to the Group Manager's financial agreement with the Member, the Group Manager can transfer their credits to themselves via the 'Transfer Available Credits to You' option.
If the Group Manager does not act within 24 hours, the Group Member can hit the 'Leave Group' button again - they will be directed to a form to complete which we will receive and action.
Under these circumstances, we will contact the Group Manager and advise that they must comply within 48 hours, failing which, we will remove the Group Member from the Group and any financial arrangements will need to be sorted between the Group Manager and Member directly.
When there is a pending leave request for a Group Member, it appears on the Group Manager's page (noted with LR next to the member). This shows the date of leave requested and the reason for leaving.