How do I leave a rating/feedback for another member?
See our how-to video here.
You can leave feedback for any member that you have booked with.
You can add a rating to the feedback for any member that you have had a confirmed booking with or have bought from via the For Sale Section of the site. In the case of escort bookings, only the service provider can confirm that the booking took place.
Unfortunately due to persons abusing the feedback facility, it is now not possible to leave feedback for any items under 4 credits.
Click here to view the people you can leave feedback/ratings for.
Remember: Feedback and ratings cannot be changed once left. Do not leave feedback unless you are sure you will not want to change it in the future.
Due to abuse of the feedback/ratings system, it is only possible to leave feedback for bookings that have taken place within the last month.
How do I display my feedback/ratings?
You may choose to display or hide your feedback/ratings by ticking (or un-ticking) the "Show my Rating Number & Feedback" box via your Edit Profile Page.
On my profile page my rating is underlined in red, why?
The rating on your profile page will appear with a red underline if you have opted not to allow your ratings and feedback to be viewed.
This coloring is to show members, at a glance, there is no point clicking on your rating because you're hiding your ratings and feedback. They'll be told as much and it's a waste of clicks.
If this was an error and you wish to display your feedback/ratings, please see the above question.
How do I view, respond or dispute feedback?
- View and Respond to Feedback left for/against you via the My Feedback link within the Emails & Bookings part of the site. (Go there now)
- View the bookings/items/members against which you can leave feedback via the Leave Feedback link within the Emails & Bookings part of the site. (Go there now)
- View someone else's feedback and ratings by clicking on the number that appears in brackets next to their nickname, e.g. Nickname (10). When you see something like this, click on the number 10 and a window will open.
Note: Feedback can only be left by people that you have booked or bought from, or by those that have booked or bought from you. If you see feedback from someone you know nothing about, then you must have missed a booking or not dealt with a sale appropriately.
I am not happy with feedback another member has left me
Normally we only remove feedback in exceptional circumstances, for example, if a member publishes your real name, address, or phone number. If that is the case, report it here.
The feedback/ratings system was put in place to assist members in making an informed decision.
If you have not already done so, the correct course of action is to respond to the feedback this member has left, should you feel it unjustified.
We would also suggest with a carefully considered response from you, other members who view your feedback will understand the situation and not let this affect their decision-making process.
Why can't I leave feedback/ratings?
Feedback/Ratings work based on the type of booking and exclude blocked senders. Any deleted/archived bookings will also be excluded.
- Escort booking (within last month): If the booking has not been confirmed, you will be able to leave feedback only
- Escort booking (within last month): If the booking has been confirmed, you can leave feedback and a rating
- Pre-booked Phone Chat: If the session was under 4 credits, or if it was less than 24 hours ago, you will not be able to leave feedback or a rating
- DirectChat: If the call was answered and was less than 240 seconds in duration, you will not be able to leave feedback or a rating
- DirectCam: If the session was under 240 seconds (4 minutes), you will not be able to leave feedback or a rating