How can I buy an item from a Wishlist?
If a member has created a Wishlist, their "For Sale" tab changes to "Sales & Wishlists".
Click that tab, then click the "Wishlists" tab.
Add to Basket any items you wish to be sent to this member.
Either buy credits or checkout.
Your item will be sent to that Member directly after 24 hours (or earlier if they update their Wishlist delivery address).
Can I remain anonymous when buying items on a Wishlist?
Sex Shop Wishlists:
View your basket before checking out and you will see an option 'Purchase anonymously?' Tick this box if you wish to remain anonymous to the Recipient.
You will also see tick boxes :
'Remain anonymous to the recipient' (Tick this box to remain anonymous. If you do not tick this Box the Recipient will be informed who has purchased the item for them.)
'Include a message for the recipient' (if you tick this box, another box will appear where you should type your message and press OK. This message will be passed to the Recipient from the Seller.)
Any Wishlist purchases must be delivered using a 'signed for' method which you will need to select using the dropdown menu next to the 'Delivery Method' field.
If you are purchasing an item from a Wishlist for someone else, you do not need to complete the Delivery address fields. These details are not passed to the Buyer for security reasons.
When you are then ready to complete the purchase, press 'Submit Purchase'.
The Recipient will be informed they have had an item purchased for them. Sellers are made aware a sale has been made but they are not presented with the delivery address (and therefore cannot despatch the item) until the Recipient has confirmed their address. Any tracking numbers are provided directly to the Recipient for security reasons.
The goods I ordered (for someone else) have not arrived
You will not be given the tracking number so as to protect the address and identity of the recipient. Contact us via the Shop Contact Form and let us know the recipient is saying non-delivery.
If delivery has been attempted a card will be left at the address for the recipient to go and collect it. If and when they do, will be when the tracking information is updated. If they do not collect the parcel it will be returned to us within a week or so and you will be reimbursed in full.
How do I leave a rating for something I bought from a Marketplace Wishlist?
Only the recipient can rate the Marketplace Seller based on the delivery time and quality of the goods received.
The Marketplace Seller rates the buyer (you) based on any correspondence or communication with you.