The Freeview Scheme will mean that on the odd occasion a member will use a 'Freeview' to look at a movie or access the Private Gallery on your profile. However, we would like to think that once you understand the reasons behind this initiative you will support it, as it is clearly in your own interests to participate.
The Freeview Scheme is a loyalty scheme designed to reward regular high spending customers and keep them coming back for more.
The purpose of such promotional activity is to grow the number of visitors to, increase the average spend per customer, and as a result, improve revenues for each individual member offering goods or services.
Anybody who runs a business understands the need to promote and market it in order for it to grow, we are committed to supporting our members in this endeavour.
From time to time initiates a variety of marketing and promotional activities on members' behalf using all sorts of methods. This activity includes worldwide banner advertising, Google Adwords, traditional print media, search engine optimization, and other promotions to our marketing database of existing and potential members. Any such promotional activity is covered under our User Agreement which all members have agreed to, (and whose responsibility it is to keep updated with). Changes to the User Agreement are indicated by a date that appears next to the link to it.
We understand that with a membership as large as we have there will be rules or actions taken that may not be agreeable to some individuals. However, in order to maintain the site for the benefit of the majority, decisions will be undertaken in the best interests of ALL members and we have to accept this is if we are to enjoy the benefits of being a member of any "club".
Please rest assured that operates with integrity and always tries to act in your best interests. Your views are always welcome and will be taken into consideration so please keep them coming.