What are Freeviews? How do I use them?
A Freeview gives you free access to a Private Gallery or Movie that you would otherwise have to pay for.
For each Freeview awarded you may access 1 Private Gallery or view 1 movie, per profile, worth up to 10 credits.
- Click on either the Movie or Private Gallery tab within the member's profile
- At the top of the page there is a button, 'Use Freeview', click that instead of purchasing the movie or gallery. (while on the desktop site: Main profile -> Private Pictures tab -> Use Freeview)
I've bought credits, why haven't I received my Freeviews?
The minimum purchase to be eligible to receive Freeviews is 30 credits in one single transaction
For example ...
If you buy 30 credits or more in one purchase session you will be awarded Freeviews based on the published scale. (Not login session, "Buy Credits" session.)
If you purchase 10 credits then 20 credits you will not be awarded Freeviews.
Click on the Freeview tab here to see the single purchase amounts and the Freeviews that will be awarded.
Every time you purchase credits we absorb a commission and transaction fee. Freeviews only become viable above 30 credits due to the cost implications of these fees.
How do I check my Freeview balance?
Under the Credits heading on your My Details page, you will see your current credit balance and your Freeviews.
Can I exchange my Freeviews for credits?
No, Freeviews cannot be exchanged for cash or credits. We award them to you as a gesture of kindness so that you can explore content without affecting your credit balance.