How do I place a booking request?
Locate an escort you wish to meet. Either click on the 'Escorts' link at top of the profile or scroll down to the 'Contact Me' section and click on 'To arrange a meeting click here'. You will then be re-directed to complete a Booking Request form.
The member will be notified via email of your new booking request and should contact you to confirm.
If you don't have time to trawl through the thousands of service providers, you could create a Reverse Booking.
How can I contact Providers by SMS?
There is currently only one way to contact service providers via SMS, this is the SMS Chat facility.
You can search for these members here by using the tick-box 'for SMS Chat'. This will allow you to communicate with Providers quickly.
Any provider contactable by SMS will have a "Send me an SMS" box on their profile page.
I want to book an escort for 90, 30 or 15 minutes - how do I enter this on the booking form?
To book 90 minutes, enter this as 1.5 on the booking form.
To book 30 minutes, enter this as 0.5 on the booking form.
To book 15 minutes, enter this as 0.25 on the booking form.
I have been asked to pay a deposit plays no part in the arrangement or payment of Escort-related bookings and we do not have a facility for booking deposits.
We provide a place where those that do can advertise their services and correspond with like-minded persons.
Members enter into booking deposit schemes at their own risk. For further information, please click the Authentic Member? link at the bottom of any profile.
I have met someone who I believe was trafficked has a zero-tolerance policy towards exploitation and trafficking. We cannot act off of hearsay, nor are we allowed to collect evidence from you. First, you will need to substantiate your findings to one of the following:
- Your local police force (UK 999 if urgent, 101 if not urgent)
- Modern Slavery Hotline - UK 0800 0121 700
- Crimestoppers - UK 0800 555 111
- The Salvation Army - UK 0300 303 8151
In turn, they will contact us and we will provide them with any and all the information we hold that may help them locate the person in question.