>How do I mark a booking as complete?
Escort bookings can only be marked as complete by the service provider. Visit your Bookings page to do this.
Once marked complete you can leave a rating and feedback in relation to the booking. Until it has been marked complete you can only leave feedback.
If you leave feedback before a booking has been marked complete and it is subsequently marked as completed you will not be able to leave a rating or change the feedback you have already left.
View the bookings you can leave ratings/feedback for here.
>Why does the booking system allow me to be double-booked?
It has been designed deliberately this way.
Rather than miss the customer/booking entirely, this allows you to take the booking and reschedule for a time that is convenient to you both.
Historically, we have allowed double bookings and also tried not allowing this. The way it works currently is one that most Service Providers have requested.
>Why don't my bookings appear on my Availability Diary?
Bookings don't show on your availability diary so you can take new bookings and reschedule the previous for a more convenient time if needed.
>Why do I receive emails to my external email address asking if bookings took place?
Within the email you receive, there is a link to confirm whether or not the booking took place.
If you click this link and confirm the booking took place, this will enable both parties to leave a rating and any appropriate feedback.
>I am seeing (AV) next to nicknames, what does it mean?
In three specific places, you may see the letters "AV" appearing after a member's rating number.
The three places are:
- Your Emails page.
- When viewing an email from another member.
- Your Escort Bookings Page
These letters indicate that the member in question has no ratings but has age verified with us using an electoral roll lookup or credit check.
Obviously, the rating system is key to helping you verify other members, but new members are often at a disadvantage, and having age verified in this way may provide an extra level of comfort or assurance.
Note: AV will only appear for members that have no ratings or feedback.
>I cannot see the notes for seeking members
One of the rules that are checked is that the offering Service account (your offering account) needs to HAVE been registered for at least a month. Once a month has passed then this field will appear for the offering member and notes can be added for the seeking members that contact you.