You will need to find the relevant Member(s) here and select their Registration Details from the 'Options' drop-down.
Here you will see 2 boxes labelled "Allow this person to login to the site" and "Only allow this person to login via JustCamIt". If you only want the Member to be able to login to JustCamIt (DirectCam) but not the AW site, tick both boxes. If you want to allow the Member to log in to the site as well as JustCamIt, you only need to tick the box labelled "Allow this person to login to the site".
If you are creating new Group Members, the above options will be presented during the process but you can also update your selection from the page linked above.
If you receive any error messages about using the same email address, we are aware that Gmail addresses ignore any character to the right of a '+' symbol; so you can have
Which would all deliver to