We have listed below some common error messages and what you will need to check/do to resolve the issue.
- Unexpected HTTP Result Code: 403
- No active user exists with that username/password combination (2)
- Username can only contain 0-9a-zA-Z characters
You will need to update your AdultWork.com nickname depending on which error you see to ensure there are no special characters in it, i.e. do not include symbols (/, @, %, !, ", ', -, _, ., ,, ^, #, *, &, • (bullet point), $, €, £), Cyrillic characters, other symbols and emojis.
The underscore character is permitted but no spaces or other punctuation is permitted.
- Password must be 6-16 characters
Your password for AdultWork.com cannot be any shorter than 6 characters and no longer than 16 characters. The password must include a special character.
If you need to update your nickname or password, you can do so from your Registration Details page.