When you go to perform a credit transfer, the system tries to give you all the money that you've earned, you can see each credit (earned) to your account from the page.
The spent credits are not automatically deducted and the payout shows the available last balance for withdrawal.
The system shows you the total credits, then the admin fees on that, then any other deductions, and the rest of the used/spent Credits as Negative balance.; e.g. featuring, phone number display, positioning, DirectCam sessions you've initiated etc. or other debits such as the DirectCam/Chat facility fee.
That is why you are seeing a negative balance figure (which can look alarmingly large in some cases, especially if you conduct a lot of DirectCam sessions).
If you add up what you've earned versus what you've spent/been debited or withdrawn already, the figure you get is your current balance, this is the figure you're seeing at the bottom of the page.
You can't withdraw more than your current balance.
The formula is the following:
Total earning credits - Admin fees = Total earnings net
Total earnings net - Owed/spent credits (negative balance) = Payout amount
At the top of the transfer page, underneath the error message, you can “Click here to correct the above negative balance problem.”
If this then shows you a new message stating that the issue cannot be resolved, you will either need to wait to accrue the specified amount or deselect one of the entries closest to (or above) that amount here.
That will then allow you to request a credit transfer.
If you have tried the above and are still encountering issues withdrawing, please get in touch here.