DirectChat allows you to initiate phone chat sessions with Service Providers without the need to pre-book. Your credits are debited automatically for as long as you stay on the phone.
Simply put, the process works as follows:
1. Locate the service provider you wish to speak to and click on their profile.
2. Scroll down on their profile to the contact section and click the DirectChat link.
3. Call the number advised (0203 455 0150) and when prompted enter your User ID and the PIN number obtained from step 2. You can see all of your DirectChat PINs and the necessary information (which number to call and your User ID) on this page.
Your call will then be connected to the Service Provider (if they are "available" and still active for this service on the site).
Your credits account will be debited at the rate set by the Service Provider for each minute or part thereof until you hang up. This rate is shown on their profile next to the DirectChat link.
Your phone will be billed at your standard network rate for a national call, not a premium rate number or a mobile number even if the Service Provider is in another country and/or using a mobile phone.
What are the beeps I hear?
You hear beeps while the Service Provider is being contacted and asked if they want to accept your call, you should stay on the line at this time. If they reject the call you will get an announcement. If they accept, the beeps will stop and you will be connected so introduce yourself.